
Scheduled Hikes

SkiMeisters schedules a hike on most Wednesdays during the summer season. The SkiMeisters hiking season begins on the first Wednesday of May and ends in the middle of October (depending on weather). Hikes are mostly easy to moderate 4-9 mile group hikes. A preliminary list of scheduled hikes usually appears in the March Flurries and a more complete listing is in the May issue, which are both available to members on this website by mid-month. Updates to the schedule will appear in subsequent editions of the Flurries. Email and the website blog (category: Hiking) will be used occasionally for critical last minute changes to a scheduled hike.

SkiMeisters know lots of trails. We have a 32 page list of trails that we have hiked during the summers of 2000 through 2010 and we are always looking for more awesome places . There are volunteer member hosts for each of the outings who check out the trail within two weeks before a hike.

Lunches are either carried by each member or, sometimes, a restaurant is used for lunch. There is usually an After-Hike party of appetizers, furnished by the hosts.

Meeting Times & Places

If you wish to participate in a hike, phone the hike leader a few days before the hike you are planning to attend (times and destinations are subject to change). Hikers typically meet at the Wooly Mammoth parking lot at the Morrison Exit off I-70 (NW corner parking lot-across Hwy. 40 from the Conoco Station). Occasionally hikes will meet at a different location which will be detailed in the current schedule.

General Rules for Hiking

Phone the hike leader a few days before the hike you are planning to attend (times and destinations are subject to change); bring LUNCH unless otherwise instructed in the schedule (occasionally we eat out and sometimes lunch is provided); bring WATER and RAINGEAR. For safety reasons, you must wear HIKING BOOTS. Sorry, no pets are allowed on SkiMeister hikes.

Hiking Guidlines

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